Cover Photo: Jure Pučnik
Text: Debra van der Lem
Edit: Sophie Spickenbom
Most of the Rovers and IST have been able to make it to the Norwegian Guide and Scout Shop, where you can find a broad range of products. Of course there is the NORTH of the Ordinary Roverway merchandise, like the hoodies, jumpers and T-shirts, but also items you need to make it through the camp. You might have a leaky mattress or need a new plate as yours was damaged during a game of frisbee.
Both Shops from both the Norwegian associations are present and they offer budget versions next to fancy and thought-through items.

Iver, who is the owner, has designed a lot of items for the Guides and Scouts over the last 15 years and he’s there to give you advice if you need any. One of the things he designed was the hook you can find at the grey woollen poncho. He is happy to be at Roverway and being able to help out in uncomfortable situations by providing sleeping bags and mattresses, repair kits for tents or waterproof clothing. He tells us that he couldn’t bring everything the online Scout Shop offers, but hopes that everyone can find whatever it is they need.

Robert from the Dutch Contingent and Daf from the Belgian Contingent are the sturdy figures you can find at the entrance to keep an eye on the queueing crowd. Lines over an hour haven’t been uncommon over the first days at Main Camp, but it has got a bit more quiet. You might be able to get in straight away the next time you pass by.
There has been a rumour that the sales of Roverway merchandise and designer badges were subject to a variety of bets within the team, but that was neither confirmed nor denied by anyone present at the Guide and Scout Shop. What could be confirmed was that the build-it-yourself ukelele is a hit and that the traditional made Norwegian knives, which are sold really well, are NORTH of the Ordinary.