Cover Photo: Steph Fawdry
Text: Mésange/Auxane Bolanz, Mike Dent, Františka Rohlíčková, Sophie Spickenbom
Edit: Sophie Spickenbom
On Wednesday and Thursday, the International Service Team (IST) and Planning Team had the opportunity to go explore the programme on site for themselves, before the participants will arrive on Saturday! Two big groups went to Preikestolen (Pulpit Rock) and hiked above the fjord (look out for an extra article tomorrow), while others stayed in Lundsneset and enjoyed their freetime on site. These were five among the many activities offered to ISTs:
Knock over the king during Kubb
ISTs could play a game called Kubb, which is a lawn game for teams consisting of one up to six people. The point is to knock over the opponents “kubbs” (wooden blocks) and then the king which sits in the middle of the playing field. Whoever gets to him first, wins! We got the chance to play a few rounds overlooking the beautiful surroundings of Lundsneset on a sunny day and had a wonderful time! The game will be available during the whole Roverway in the Swedish contingent tent!
Carving a spoon from wood
During the woodcarving activity, ISTs had the possibility to create their own spoon from a piece of wood. With the only help of a knife and a hook knife (to cave the inside of the spoon), beautiful spoons came to life after about half an hour. It is a good souvenir to bring home from Roverway, entirely made by hand!
Making knots on a big scale
As a Guide and Scout you have most likely tied many knots before. But have you ever done it on a much bigger scale? ISTs had the opportunity to join forces in such an activity. With the help of other Scouts and Guides, in small teams they used big ropes to tie the square knot and some even managed to do the friendship knot!
Dancing Irish dances
Down at Øyahuset, the International Service Team and Planning Team were excited to learn some traditional Irish dancing, known as a Céilí. In Irish Gaelic, this means ‘together’. One of the easiest songs is Cur Crúb ar an Asal (Shoe the Donkey) and uses only the basic forward footsteps. As this is a new experience for most of the Guides and Scouts there was some uncertainty about the moves, but as it is very much a social activity this only added to the enjoyment as they worked it out (or not) together.
Bonfire vibes in the IST zone
What started as a chill evening in the IST zone with board games and chill music quickly turned into a big IST music session! With just two guitars and a ukulele, the big group of singers made sure that the bonfire classics like Wonderwall and Save Tonight could be heard far across the campsite. Spirits were high and made everyone beyond excited for upcoming music nights and the opening ceremony.
While the ISTs and Planning Team are getting the main campsite ready for the participants to arrive in less than two days, they also got the chance to enjoy themselves, get to know others and take part in activities. Now they are hopefully energised and excited to welcome everyone to the site!